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Hello. 09.01.2022.

TL;DR: Wannabe New Yorker blabbers about background and explains why the blog.

I'm Omkar, and this is my first blog post for my personal website. Some places are landmarks of merit and define you, and New York City is the place I got to be someone(if there is such a thing). Bear with me till I give you a glimpse into my life.

I completed my masters from Computer Science from NYU in 2021, and I'm currently working as an ML Engineer at an early stage startup in Manhattan. I'm luckier than most people to live my life long dream of working from the city of my dreams and I shall forever be grateful to people who've helped me achieve here. My parents who took care of me for 24 long years before I moved to a completely new city(they still do, but that merits an entire different blog), and my sister who has been a source of strength and inspiration to me. The lifelong string of relationships you have with friends may not seem like they have a direct impact on your life decisions, but they do keep you sane and I'm lucky for the friends who've known me(Y'all know who y'all are). I'm also grateful for all the opportunities I've had, and all the mentors who've taught me little and big things. Today is the day I felt the need to connect dots backwards and be proud of the journey I've been on.

Before coming to NYC, I lived the best of my life, and most of it in Pune, Maharashtra, India. P-town is the best town, period. People usually have a bias towards where they come from anyway, but Pune has to be where everyone feels home, regardless where you're from. The best weather all year round, the best food to ever exist, the comfort and accessibility, and the vibe is unmatched. Or rather matched only by NYC in my opinion. I know this irks an entire bunch of people, but this is a personal feeling each person knows once they've left their home town to do anything. I can go on and on about this but as far as introductions go, this is already taxing.

The reason why I've decided to start a blog is unclear. But I do know it is going to be random. It is going to be a mix of art, tech, and maybe updates like this one. Why art? because I'm an artist. You can go to the home page and look at color on canvas I made over the years, the oldest one being made in 2008. That's 14 years ago? wow. Why tech(specifically data science)? because regardless of what you do in tech, most of it is anyway Googleable, right? Yes. True. But maybe some things you learn on the job, and some things are difficult to explain. I want to be one of the people who now learns and shares information. Plus I feel I've been falling behind in research, so I thought this could be a good way to get back into it. Data science is an ever changing field so constantly updating you with new information is a no brainer. More so than not, blog is a form of expression and I want to get better at it.

Tag along and see if you like anything and let me know your suggestions. Thank you for reading.

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